Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day Two in Beijing

We started the day with a huge breakfast at the hotel. It was yummy
and we were starving. Then, we got all our winter clothes on and
headed out to the Temple of Heaven. It was really cold, but not
unbearable. Tomorow, we will layer our clothes a little more though.
The Temple was beautiful, but our favorite thing was to watch the
people in the park. It is such a different culture here. Everone
exercises and plays games in the park - all ages. They look so
healthy and fit and I wanted to dance and exercise with them so bad,
but we just stood and watched them. It was really something different
and very cool ! Everyone here has been so nice and courteous.
After the Temple, we walked over to the Pearl Market. Chuck had a
great time looking at all the electronics, binoculars and scopes ! We
only looked at one level of the Market and we plan to go back tomorrow
to find some pearls ( for you Diane !) and look around a little more.
It is fun to haggle over the prices and see how low you can get them.
I saw a lot of MAC make-up too ( not sure if it's real though ?).
So by now we were starving - again. We saw a cute bakery right as we
were dropped off at the Temple and fell in love with it. The Chinese
bakery called -"Weiduomei' reminds me of the pastry bakeries we saw in
Switzerland. They had so many different kinds of goodies ( salty and
sweet) and everything looked good. There were woman decorating
elaborate cakes and making breads. It was very chraming ! We bought
six different pastries for lunch ( three were cheese and meat and
three were sweet). They were so yummy !! It only cost us $4.00 too.
Now, we are trying to stay up and not go to sleep untill later. The
Jet-Lag is bad and we are really feeling it now. Tomorrow , we plan
to go back to the Pearl market and some other smaller Markets nearby.
We might try to see a show too and just take it easy. Saturday and
Sunday will be a very full day of touring so it will be nice to get
reasted up.
Enjoy the pictures.
Merry Christmas !


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1 comment:

Tami said... guys have energy:-)!!!

Can't wait to see pics of you with MC!

Have a very Merry Christmas.


In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3
We have a daughter !!!!!!
Maggie Caroline was born Oct. 29, 2008.
She is in the SWI of Gaozhou City,China.
Guangdong Province)