Monday, September 14, 2009


The boys have been shut sick in the house now for four days.

That is a LONG time for my very active and energetic boys (and momma) to be inside.

They have watched WAY too much TV and played WAY too much computer games.

So, tonight they got creative. Finally.

They pulled out their Draw.Write.Now books out and stated drawing...quietly, peacefully..

AHHH !!!


Hope-ful said...

Love the Nature Journal book. I missed you Sunday Kathern Ann. Love you!

Chasity said...

Oh, my goodness, I have to comment on your boys, they are adorable! I think my son has the same little brown Boxer puppy stuffed animal. He had it as a little guy (we still have it), and he wore the little nose off. It's boxed up and I was very excited to see your boys have one too.

By they way, I'm new to your blog and your family is just beautiful.

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3
We have a daughter !!!!!!
Maggie Caroline was born Oct. 29, 2008.
She is in the SWI of Gaozhou City,China.
Guangdong Province)