Home StudyOur wonderful social worker has finished writing our home study report ! Now it has to be finalized by my adoption agency and then sent to ICPC. Our report is eleven pages long and very detailed ! It was so wonderful to read and to finally have it done.
Chinese ConsolateWe sent all of our current Dossier documents to The Chinese Consolate in Houston, Texas to get Authenticated. I was very nervous sending them and I know the people at Pak Mail think I am a freak ! I had this weird feeling I was going to mess something up. There were two pages of instructions from the Consolate about what and how to mail it. Anyway, they were finally put into a Fed Ex envelope and taken there by Fed Ex on Monday and arrived on Thursday. On Friday I get a phone call that goes something like this:
Caller: Herro (imagine a thick Chinese accent), Is this Rathy ?
Kathy: Yes, this is Kathy
Caller: We received your papers, but you rowe us $240.
Kathy: Oh, I am so sorry ! I thought when it said $20 per document that meant per envelope. I will send the money right away.
Caller: I will rait on it.....
Really, where is my head ?? I feel like I am loosing it lately.
I800ANow that my Home Study is done I can apply for the I800A. This will allow us to bring our Child to America. It takes about three months to process the I800A.
Prayer RequestsPlease continue to keep our family in your prayers. We have a lot going on right now. The adoption paperwork is finally coming together, but we are still trying to find out how to finance the adoption. Also, we are having to change some things around in our schooling and it is a major shift for me and the boys. We also have many friends that are loosing jobs and really being affected by the economy. We are encouraged by the Hope we have in God. We serve an AWESOME GOD and know that he is our provider and our comfort !