Sunday, September 30, 2012

Going on A Bear Hunt.

Who would have ever thought that Maggie's all time favorite thing to do would be to sit on my lap and read..  Books are magical to our little girl. She begs for them "Read book, read book momma !!" The other day I read so many books to her my throat was hurting and so I suggested we go watch Doc McStuffins or Minnie Mouse ( her favorite shows) and she just cried to " Read more books".  Oh, how can a mom say no to that ? 

I have organized most of her books in a little book shelf in her room.  She happily hand selects each book and runs back to my lap.  We put up the old rocker and replaced it with a comfy white slip-covered IKEA chair that looks so cute in her room.  Now we both can sit side by side or Maggie will snuggle on my lap.  I always make sure I am talking close to her BAHA hearing aid so she can get the best auditory response.

We're Going on A Bear Hunt has become one of her cherished books. I love this edition too.  The pictures are so pretty and interesting. We end up talking a lot about what's going on in each picture and I think Maggie has this one memorized.

Ferdinand  is another favorite. 
 My boys loved this book when they were little too.
The pictures and story are very simple, but I think that is part of the charm of the book. 

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I have always loved books and started collecting Caldecott Award books a long time ago. So, we have quite a lot of children's books around the house.
 I try to edit Maggie's books and switch them around once a month so we don't get tired of them.  
  I am amazed at the big words she can say now like " immunization, patient, and alligator " to name a few. 
Maggie's language is exploding and no doubt books have a lot to do with that.  I remember when we were in China a lady from our travel group let Maggie play with a small board book. I thought "oh she won't know what to do with that", but I was wrong.  Her eyes looked intently at each page, almost like she was waiting her whole life to finally get to look at a book. It was love at first site for her and it's been love ever since.


Tami said...

Hi Kathy!! My has she grown...and is as beautiful as ever. It's such a blessing when a child truly loves to be read to, and to read...opens up so many doors. And I LOVE that bookstand!

Julie said...

Hi Kathy!! Something has been wrong with my Blogger tool. It hasn't been showing any of your updates on my reader. I thought you must have taken some time off from blogging. Heavens knows I have!! It's so good to see all your family is doing well. I could hardly believe how much the kids have grown!! They are are beautiful kids!!

We have some wonderful news to share!! I am expecting :) I am due in April. God gave us a very unexpected miracle and we praise Him for it everyday!!

Big hugs,

likeschocolate said...

Kathy, my husband and I are just getting started in the adoption process. If you could think of one piece of advice that was given to you or you wish you knew when starting what would that be. Looking for all the help I can. Thanks,

In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalm 5:3
We have a daughter !!!!!!
Maggie Caroline was born Oct. 29, 2008.
She is in the SWI of Gaozhou City,China.
Guangdong Province)